Terms and Conditions

The following clauses regulate access to the Website located at the Internet address www.travelfactoryandalucia.com, and to the profiles in the social networks linked from the main page (hereinafter this Website) and, on the other hand, the person (in forward the User), who accesses this Website.


In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is reported that the owner of this website is the following entity:

The brand Travel Factory Andalucía, SL, con CIF B10679652, y domicilio en Vélez Málaga, Calle Imaginero Sánchez Mesa, s/n, 1ºA. ZIP: 29700.

If you wish to contact Travel Factory Andalucía, please do so at (+34) 688 908 435 or admin@travelfactoryandalucia.com .


By using this Website, the User expressly accepts all the legal clauses of this legal notice, the privacy policy and the cookie policy, as well as all those particular conditions collected for the use of certain services. If you do not accept any of the aforementioned clauses, you must refrain from using this Website. The user who accesses this Website assumes the role of User, committing to comply with the clauses set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable. By becoming a follower of any of the Travel Factory Andalucía profiles on the social networks of this Website, you agree to comply with the conditions and policies of the same. Travel Factory Andalucía reserves the right to modify any clause or information on this Website.

Travel Factory Andalucía reminds the User of legal age that they are in charge of minors, that it will be their sole responsibility to determine what services and content are or are not appropriate for the age of the latter, and that there are computer programs that allow filtering and blocking access to certain content and services.


Travel Factory Andalucía is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published by third parties on this Website. If the User considers that there is content on this Website that could be illegal, they must notify it via email admin@travelfactoryandalucia.com. Travel Factory Andalucía does not assume responsibility for the content of third parties that are redirected from this Website. Travel Factory Andalucía does not assume responsibility for the correct operation of this Website.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

All intellectual and industrial property rights used or incorporated in relation to the Website are owned or licensed by Travel Factory Andalucía. The reproduction, editing or manipulation of the products is prohibited.

The contents outside Travel Factory Andalucía that may appear on this Website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any authorization to third parties.

General terms and conditions


The purpose of this document is to regulate the General Terms and Conditions of the online and off-line reservation services (hereinafter, and indistinctly, the services) of Travel Factory Andalucía. The terms "You" and "User" are used here to refer to all individuals and / or entities that for any reason access www.travelfactoryandalucia.com or use the services.

The use of these services will imply the full acceptance and validity of each and every one of the General Terms and Conditions -which will be considered automatically incorporated into the contract that is signed with Travel Factory Andalucía, without the need for a written transcription in it. - collected in the latest updated version of these.

Reservation and contracting of services and products

All purchases made on this Website by the User will be subject to the General Conditions of purchase of the services set out in this document. If any aspect of the purchase is not contemplated in it, it will be regulated according to current legislation in Spain.

The purchase made by the User implies their agreement and acceptance of these General Conditions of purchase of services. No stipulation made by the User regarding these Purchase Conditions may differ from those established by Travel Factory Andalucía.

All the information that appears on the web pages of www.lolitastours.com regarding the services, their characteristics, their prices, their purchase conditions or their contracting policies may be modified by Travel Factory Andalucía at any time and without prior notice, with The purpose of keeping the general public promptly informed of such changes.

In the event of any variation in any service, this will be informed at the time of purchase or at the beginning of the service, the valid and definitive information provided by the guide at the beginning of the visit. Any of the places foreseen within the development of each of the visits may be replaced by another of a similar category or characteristics.

Cancellation policy

For the cancellation of reservation of tours and products, the following charges will apply:

If canceled at least 48 hours in advance, no cancellation fee will be applied .

To make any cancellation it is essential to send the request to the email address: admin@travelfactoryandalucia.com